Friday, April 26, 2013

Our Website

This is the opening of our website.

I have learned so much about how to create and implement a website, and I am tired.
Thanks for understanding all the unusual changes being made to the site in the past year and half
But now I think we have it down and it should not change much in the future.
Stephen, Robert & Pluto. Best Friends.

We have are same "About Us" page, great photos of the treats and all the info folks want to know
about our treats.

We have upgraded to a new Shopping cart.Click and drag to change the order
Which allows us to give you more options in product, how to pay, and in Shipping.
No more limited options.

Shipping is now "REAL-TIME"  So now you can see an accurate cost to ship your product to your address.

This I believe was a big hold up for folks wanting to try our treats but the shipping was costly.
Not using Zones to determine your postal rate, 
which could be more or less than the actual shipping. So you will not be overcharged and 
we will not lose money on the shipping cost.

Shipping cost can be high on the first pound, but after that it's not that much more for added pounds.
( I wish eating was that way.)

We not only have our Website: but have added a Mobile link and Facebook Page Store.
Our Facebook Fan Page has all the great treats we offer. So no more switching back and forth to what's new or different.  Check for discounts you never know what we will offer you. store is always open too.

Coming soon we will be adding a Wholesale Page for those who wish to sell MaiRo & Co Dog Treats in there shops.

Thanks for making our business a success.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Consider the Fork: A History of How We Cook and Eat   
by Bee Wilson
Is just my kinda reading. Some how I find the domestic arts very interesting.
How did people get along without the modern convinces we have today?
What did they do, How did things become standards, how did it change, good? or bad?
I have not finished this book but I just have to share what I have read so far.
We start as most book do with an introduction.  Very long for an intro but very interesting and set up the content of the book. You gotta read this on your own.
First Chapter: Pots & Pans - Discussed are what was the first Pot, how we stared to cook in them, what techniques we used, boiling, steaming, simmer, fry & etc... Why did we use them. what are they made of: pottery, steel, cast iron, copper and mix of products, and Why do we have so many pots for cooking.  Thank the Victorians for that one.  Bee writes in a conversation way or how your most beloved instructor would tell you about a subject they love.  She includes History, her conclusions and just basic common assumptions of what might have happened. all very believable.
Most country's use one pot or pan. I must admit we have 7 pots and 5 plus stoneware to cook in. I find myself using one of each on a day to day basis.
Side note on Rice Cookers
Chapter 2: Knife - Kitchen are a place of violence  How knives became what we have today.  From flint, stone, bronze, steel, stainless steal and how ideas for Military use ended up in the kitchen. Most folks in Elizabethan England had their own personal knife they kept on them. Silverware as we know it was not on every table nor in every house hold.  If you wanted to eat you had to cut up your food. This was a weapon you could cut a piece of bread or you could do some damage so somebody you did not like.
She talks about who and how we have silverware today.  How the French have a knife for every cut and the Chinese have one. My favorite section is how she talks about the "Over Bite" and why it came into excitance. Fun reading.
Side note on Mezzaluna
Chapter 3: Fire - this one is good.  How and why we have fire.  How fire is maintained and why the kitchen utensils are sooooo long from days gone by. Going from open hearth to a enclosed box of fire.
We visit Ivan Day who still Roast on an open spit as was done in the 1600 using the same tools. so cool.
Ivan gives classes in true roasting of meats. Discussed is how this way of roasting is so far removed from the type of cooking we call "Roasting". Very interesting
Dog were even use in the assisting of preparing a Roast Meat.  The dog, a special bread of dog with short legs and long body, would be put on a wheel above the stove and the little guy would run in place (like a hamster does) and turn the spit as the meat cooked.  this was called a Dog Wheel. Out raged Heney Bergh, an early animal rights lobbyist campaigned against using dog wheels. People changed and the dogs were spared the torture but they were replaced with children.  Luckley somebody tinkered with machine parts and came up with a new device that too the place of animal and child, the Mechanical Windup Jack.
And how folk had a mistrust toward the New Closed-off cooking ranges. And now we cant live without them. and so much more.
Side note on Toaster
Chapter 4: Measure (not finished reading) Love how Bee tells us how we are using an unreliable unit of measure. The CUP.  She does have me thinking I must weight my ingredient for a better final product.
How cooking mostly baking is a science and the Cup is, well, not accurate.  If you scoop the flour or spoon scooped or  sift the flour you will most likely get different measures, and each person will get yet another set of measurements.
How cookbook writes of the day did not like the idea of something different taking the place of what they were used to.
OK, this is as far as I have read. Not much of a review but more of what you will get in this so far wonderful book.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt

Spending Easter Sunday with family is just tradition in any family and we are no exception.
But since moving to Ohio our family is small.
So with Maisie, Rosie and Coco we did the usual things most kid do, Hunt for Eggs.
Now having an Egg Hunt for our girls was a new challenge.  How to get them to stay away so we could hide the eggs and how would they know what to look for.  Smell was the answer.
 Robert got some over sized plastic eggs, (Leggs Eggs are no made, to bad) and treat to put inside.
This way the girls had something to go on.
Maisie looking for eggs
We let the girls smell the eggs and then tried to get them into the house so we could hide the eggs.
Not an easy feat.  I got Rosie & Coco on the patio.
Maisie being the smart one followed Robert around to see the hiding places.

Hidden egg

Coco, Behind you
When that was done we let the girls "find" the eggs.  Coco found the first egg, took into her mouth and walk away with it.  Like most kids she let it go and ran after another egg.  Rosie found her egg and ran into the house and bit the egg open and devoured the contents. Maisie made a killing and sat in the garden eating her earned rewards.  Easter 2013 was a fun success and allowed us to continue a time honored and an old family tradition, well with a twist.
Rosie has her Egg

Maisie and her loot

Hope your Easter was as much fun as ours.

Now off to till the garden.
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